Mobile Site Blood Drives, Holly,  MI  48442
Site: 15010 N Holly Rd, HCC Fellowship Hall
Versiti Blood Center of Michigan
1.866.MIBLOOD   (1.866.642.5663)

Our goal is to provide life-saving blood and products to save the lives of patients in Michigan hospitals.

Proud member of the North Oakland Regional Association 

These beautiful, delicious cookies were made by one of our volunteers and given to our donors at one of our drives.  

Fenton, Michigan November 7th
Thank you, donors, volunteers, and Versiti staff!
We beat our goal!
63 potential lives could be saved!


Photos of Oct 15

Our Tuesday, October 15 blood drive in Holly, MI had a friendly competition of  MSU & UM donors, volunteers, and staff. Here are the results. Good luck to both teams and their game on October 26th.

🌺 Our Holly Luau blood drive on Tuesday, August 20 is in the books. We conquered our goal of 46 with 52 good donations! Thanks to our Versiti staff, blood & plasma donors, high school & adult volunteers, plus all who spread the word through social media, word of mouth, and news venues.


 🌺 Our Fenton Luau Blood Drive on August 15 at the Fenton United Methodist Church was sweet! Our goal was 15 good donations, and we had 26! Thank you, everyone!

2025 blood drive schedule update public

2025 Versiti of Michigan
Fenton Blood Drives
Coordinator-Ellen  Pease

Fenton United Methodist Church
Family Life Center, 119 S Leroy St, Fenton

Thursdays from 2:30-7 PM
March 6thJuly 17thNov 6th


January 2025's Versiti blood drive netted in 31 successful blood units♥️ to help patients live, heal, and return home to their families. Thank you donors, volunteers, and Versiti staff. 

Versiti Blood Drives 2024
January 1-Dec 18
12 Holly drives & Fenton 4 drives

2025-Total 572 good donations for 16 drives
Holly-12 drives 507     Fenton-4 drives  65
2024-Total 478 good donations for 12 drives, Holly

❤️ Be a hero in someone's story. Donate blood. 

Good News! Our Versiti Blood Center of Michigan blood drive in Holly collected 43 good donations making 2024's total of 507! (2023 netted 478 in Holly.)

Thank you to everyone who came, donated, our trusty volunteers,  and especially the Versiti staff for being skilled and caring.

507 X 3 lives saved each donation = 1521 possible patients in Michigan who were able to have their treatments, live, heal, and go back to their families and communities.

Yup! You are all on the Nice List!

(But, some are going to get iron-enriched food information in their Christmas stockings. or gummy bears with iron.🥦)

It's all good! We appreciate every one of you!

Joyous Holidays and Happy New Year 2025.

Ellen Pease, Holly & Fenton volunteer for the Versiti Blood Center of Michigan




Well Done, Donors! You "crushed" our original goal of 28 for Nov. 23
with 43 great donations! Many patients will heal & go home to their loved ones.
Enjoy the photos of some of our donors and volunteers below.
(Maybe your neighbor was there.)

Get your hemoglobulin level UP

See our July 27, 2024,
Luau Holly Blood Drive
fun photos to the right.

We asked our donors, 
"Why do you donate blood?
Look at what they said.
See photos.

We have added Versiti blood drives in the Family Life Center of the Fenton United Methodist Church, Fenton. 
Why? Michigan hospitals need about 625 units of blood a day to meet the needs of their patients. The blood has to be there! 
Here are our donors, volunteers and Versiti staff from the Fenton June 3rd drive.  Thanks to all for saving the lives of patients in Michigan hospitals!

It's  All  Good
Our Saturday, May 18th blood drive netted 27 good donations! That's 81 patients' lives that could be impacted in Michigan hospitals.

May 18th donors at our blood drive in Holly, MI. 

April 16's blood drive brought donors, volunteers, and Versiti staff from near and far. Here are a few. We collected 48 good donations which could be used to save 144 lives of patients in Michigan hospitals. 

57 good donations for Tuesday, February 20th.
Thank you Holly & area donors, Versiti staff, and community volunteers!
Also, thank you to the Holly Calvary Church, Holly for allowing us to use your Fellowship Hall for our monthly blood drives. 

Here are our Saturday, January 27th dedicated blood donors.

Below: Donors from Saturday, November 18th. 

View our recent dedicated donors and volunteers having fun
while doing their important tasks.  

Holly Blood Drives News - January 2024
December 23, 2023 Newsletter
November 2023 News
Holly Blood Drives News – October 2023

This is my first website made through Google Sheets. If you have beneficial feedback that you would like to share, please send me an email at hollyblooddrives@gmail.com Thanks for your comments. Ellen Pease, a Holly Blood Drives volunteer. 

Holly Blood Drives News - September 2023 First Edition edited

"Life of a Blood Drive Coordinator" Blog
